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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Ko te rito te pū kāmehameha, awheawhe te pā ki tōna tauranga.

Nurturing the ritorito – the developing leaves at the heart – ensures the survival of the flax bush as a whole.

The , or the outer leaves, and other elements, such as soil, wind, and sun, together provide the ritorito with a sturdy foundation. Only the healthiest leaves are selected from the harakeke to weave a quality whāriki.

Like the impact of healthy harakeke on the quality of a weaving, there are key elements that contribute to the quality of review and its potential to transform practice. These elements offer a source of strength and insight, thereby increasing the effectiveness of review processes and the quality of our curriculum whāriki.



energy, power, force, influence, strength, intensity, growth, generated by the sun


direction, method, process, technique, approach, procedure, system


be scattered, to have an effect, shoal of fish


weave, unite, merge, connect, bond, join together


framework, support, structure, scaffold


plural, more than 1, communal, shared, co-operation

Six elements of effective review

In this section, we introduce 6 elements of effective review:

  • relationships
  • evidence
  • vision
  • improvement
  • ethics
  • wisdom.