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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Complaints about the Ministry of Education

All complaints about the Ministry

Email: [email protected]

Sensitive claims of abuse in state schools before 1989

Sensitive claims of abuse in state schools' process

Early learning service or kōhanga reo queries or complaints

Complaints in early learning

Learning support service complaints

If you have concerns about a learning support service, you can make a complaint. We'll work with you to resolve it.

Complaints about other education organisations

If you have complaints related to the following organisations, raise the issues directly with the relevant organisation:

How long it takes

We aim to acknowledge your complaint within 5 working days.

More options for complaints

If you raise an issue with us, we will work with you and do our best to resolve it.

After working with us, if you are still not happy with how we have handled your complaint, there are a range of options for you to consider seeking a resolution.

Transparency statement

Our transparency statement explains how we collect, use and share information gathered about individuals and organisations for the purposes of carrying out our statutory functions under the Education and Training Act 2020.

Transparency statement: Information gathering for regulatory compliance