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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Examples in the guidance

Any examples in the guidance are provided as a starting point to show how services can meet (or exceed) the requirement. Services may choose to use other approaches better suited to their needs as long as they comply with the criteria.

PF12 Dining facilities


There is a safe and hygienic place for children attending to sit when eating.


To ensure that the areas where children eat are safe and hygienic.


Places for children to sit and eat could include:

  • at a dining room or kitchen table
  • at a breakfast bar
  • at a child-sized table inside or outside
  • sitting on the edge of low decks
  • sitting on grass or other outdoor surfaces.

Highchairs or seats that attach to the edge of a table can be used as places for infants and young toddlers to sit while eating. Their use should be supervised (see the guidance for HS19 Supervision while eating).

HS19 Supervision while eating

Table surfaces can generally be made hygienic by spraying with a diluted bleach solution (see the guidance for HS1 Premises and contents are safe and hygienic) and then being wiped dry before use. If there is concern table surfaces are not able to be made completely hygienic through wiping, washable covers can be used as a barrier between the table and food. Covers are also a good way of showing children that the table is now an eating place rather than an activity place.

HS1 Premises and contents are safe and hygienic

Large easy-to-clean mats spread on the floor or on the grass, benches and the edges of low decks are also practical ways of providing places for children to sit and eat.

Things to consider

When meals or snacks are eaten outside, there are some safety and hygiene issues to consider:

  • Children sitting directly on grass or safety surfaces such as bark or matting should be encouraged to keep uncovered food on a plate or in their lunch box. This will reduce the chance of food becoming contaminated from contact with the ground.
  • Children eating outside need protection from the sun during this time. If possible, locate outdoor eating places under trees, shade sails, covered decks, sun umbrellas and covered pergolas.

PF13 Kitchen facilities


There are facilities for the hygienic preparation, storage and/or serving of food and drink that contain:

  • a means of keeping perishable food at a temperature at or below 4°C and protected from vermin and insects
  • a means of cooking and/or heating food
  • a means of hygienically washing dishes
  • a sink connected to a hot water supply
  • storage; and
  • food preparation surfaces that are impervious to moisture and can be easily maintained in a hygienic condition.


To ensure that there are facilities to support the hygienic preparation and storage of food.


Storing perishables

A fridge is the most practical way of storing perishable food and drink at a safe temperature and for keeping it protected from vermin and insects. The fridge should be large enough to store perishable food (including food brought by children) and any medication that requires refrigeration.

Cooking and/or heating food

The appliances needed for cooking and/or heating food will depend upon the number of children you are cooking for, and the type of meals being prepared. Options include microwaves, stove tops and ovens.

Washing dishes

Some homes may have a dishwasher that can be used. If the home does not have a dishwasher and the educator washes dishes by hand the Ministry of Health recommends a hygienic method of hand washing dishes is followed:

  • Thoroughly wash the dishes in hot water that is at least 43°C.
  • Use adequate soap or detergent.
  • Rinse and disinfect the dishes in hot water by placing them in clean boiling water for 30 seconds, or in clean hot water that is at least 77°C for 2 minutes (make sure children are kept out of the area until the water has drained away).
  • Keep the dishes separate from each other while they are rinsed, for example on a dish rack.
  • Remove them immediately and let the air dry them. Never use a tea towel or cloth to dry or polish the dishes after they have been cleaned.

Sink with hot water connection

Having a sink with a hot water supply enables hand washing of items hygienically and to obtain hot water for other purposes, such as cleaning food preparation surfaces.


Open shelves should only be used to store sealed packets or food in containers. Cupboards or storage units used for storing food need to be fit for purpose and designed to reduce the chances of food becoming contaminated by vermin and insects.

Food preparation surfaces

Surfaces need to be constructed from or sealed with moisture-impervious materials and designed in a way that minimises a build-up of dirt, food particles and bacteria, for example, in corners and joins. Check surfaces regularly for signs of wear and tear, chips, scratches, loose tiles, cracked grout or worn sealant. Any of these can allow moisture to penetrate the surface and make the surface difficult to keep hygienic.

Things to consider

Supervision of children in kitchens

Some homes may have open plan kitchens and there are likely to be times when children will need to access kitchen and cooking facilities to take part in supervised activities, such as cooking and food preparation.

Kitchens and cooking facilities are potentially dangerous places for children so access for children must be supervised.