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Ministry of Education New Zealand

First aid kits should include the following (or these items are available on the premises):

  • disposable gloves
  • sterile saline solution (or some other means of cleansing wounds)
  • safety pins, bandage clips or tape (or some other means of holding dressings in place)
  • sterile wound dressings, including sticking plasters
  • rolls of stretchable bandage
  • triangular bandage (or some other means of immobilising an upper limb injury)
  • scissors
  • tweezers
  • cold pack
  • first aid manual
  • National Poisons Centre phone number – 0800 POISON or 0800 764 766
  • Healthline phone number – 0800 611 116.

The first aid kit may also contain any category (i) medicines the service chooses to use, providing the appropriate written authority has been gained from parents (see criterion HS25).

HS25 Medicine administration