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Ministry of Education New Zealand

The Ministry of Education resource Learning Environments for Playgroups has information on planning appropriate play activities to support the learning of the children in your group.

Play ideas for learning – Tāhūrangi

Choosing equipment

Toys and equipment selected for use in playgroups should be:

  • safe and durable (check for sharp edges, small parts that may break off and non-toxic durable paint)
  • washable and hygienic
  • appropriate for the children’s ages and levels of development
  • of interest to the children in the group.

Some equipment, such as puzzles, will have specific uses, while some will be chosen for their flexibility of use, for example, blocks that can be used to build roads, houses or form patterns. Children will also need equipment available to help them develop new skills or practice newly established ones, for example, scissors or balls.

Children learn through all their senses, so select some play items that encourage the use of smell, touch, sound and vision.

How much equipment you'll need

Numbers of each item will depend on the size of your group. The list below gives suggested items but not recommended numbers, as this will be different for each group. Consider the age and the developmental stage of the children as well as the size of your group when buying equipment.


  • For children under 3 years, all equipment should meet the Product Safety Standards (Children's Toys) Regulations 2005.
  • There should be no parts smaller than a ping-pong ball, no sharp or rough edges and no parts that are easily broken off.
  • Real electrical appliances, such as toasters, should not be used in children’s play.
  • Children should always be supervised at play, both indoors and outdoors, and especially where there are carpentry tools or water play.
  • All products and natural materials used with children should be non-toxic. Beware of poisonous plants and seeds. Small seeds, for example wheat, can also be dangerous if children put them up their noses.
  • Scissors should be child-sized and have rounded ends.
  • Polystyrene should not be used in playgroups. It can block airways and doesn’t show up in x-rays.
  • Fixed outdoor equipment should meet the requirements of current New Zealand Standards (contact Standards New Zealand for up-to-date information), have soft-fall surfacing installed beneath it and be checked and maintained regularly.
  • All playgroups require a first aid kit.

Product Safety Standards (Children's Toys) Regulations 2005 – New Zealand Legislation


It is important that your valuable playgroup equipment is stored safely, especially if you are using a community building. A locked cupboard with shelving inside can be useful if no larger space is available but must be attached to the wall for safety in earthquakes.

As your stock of outdoor equipment grows it could also be useful to purchase a lockable outdoor shed.

Named containers (for example labelled ‘sandpit toys’) such as cartons, boxes or plastic laundry baskets can be used for holding resources and to make packing and unpacking easier. Heavy items should not be stored on high shelves in case of an earthquake.


Items for children’s use are best displayed at children’s height for easy visibility and reach. Shelves or shallow boxes on castors can be useful for both storage and display. Books and puzzles can be displayed on sloping shelves at children’s height. Some flat display areas (for example low tables) will be needed for science and nature.


You will need some low tables and chairs for children to sit at while working at collage, etc. A carpet square is a versatile work area for reading, blocks, puzzles, and so on.

Provision for infants and toddlers

Very young children need a safe, warm place (rug, carpet square or cushions) to play away from the main play area but where they can still see and be seen.

All equipment for infants and toddlers should be washable.

Younger children will be unable to wait for turns or to share equipment, so it is realistic to provide several of each item, (for example spades in sandpit), if you have several toddlers in your group.

“Collected” equipment

Items (for example cartons, fabric or bottle tops) can be collected at home for use in collage and junk play but be aware of safety. Many natural materials can be collected from beaches and other areas and be used in your group.

Other issues

Each playgroup should be equipped to provide a range of activities at each session.

Activities and equipment should reflect the cultures of Aotearoa New Zealand and the children in the group.

For more information about areas of play in a broad-based programme, refer to the following website.

Play ideas for learning – Tāhūrangi