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Ministry of Education New Zealand


The parent’s role is that of a learning guide for their children. The best learning opportunities will be achieved when adults support children in following their own interests by:

  • joining them and sharing in their play
  • using open-ended questions for example, how, why, what do you think?
  • thinking aloud, when working on problems together adults can share their thoughts and show how they go about solving problems
  • helping children develop their interests through play
  • recognising and respecting the child’s key interests
  • helping their child put their ideas into practice without taking over
  • asking open-ended questions of the children when guiding their learning
  • giving children positive feedback and showing real interest in their play
  • adding interest to children’s play by participating with them, talking with them and contributing extra resources
  • providing a wide range of equipment and resources to use in many different ways
  • giving help to use resources correctly
  • helping children make friends and socialise with other children and adults
  • setting up the environment to reduce the potential of conflict
  • using language that encourages discussion, thinking, negotiation and humour
  • recognising that sometimes children will play and learn successfully by themselves and at other times adult contribution will be needed to extend the play
  • enlist children’s help with decision making by giving them choices, for example shall we have playdough or clay today?
  • introducing chants, rhymes, songs or music if appropriate, and helping the children to develop the language of social interaction, negotiation and inquiry.

Some playgroups use a newsletter or wall chart to encourage parents to follow these guidelines and take responsibility.

In order to support children in this way, adults need to be present with their children in the various play areas and available to work with them. Parents know their children best, including their strengths and interests. Playgroup is an ideal place where parents’ useful home practices can be supported and where children can experience positive learning outcomes with each child learning in his or her own way and at their own pace. The programme offered must provide opportunities for infants, toddlers and young children to maximise learning.

Making sense of what is happening

The group might want to think about how the children are progressing at playgroup. Group members might ask themselves some questions in relation to each child’s progress:

  • What is the child interested in now?
  • What are they learning now?
  • What is the child good at?
  • Are they struggling with anything?
  • How do we know this?
  • What can we do to help this child progress?

The answers that come from exploring these questions will guide the way the group offer learning experiences and support the child’s play on session. Adults might ask the child about their learning:

  • What did you enjoy doing today?
  • How did you learn that?
  • What did you like about learning this?
  • Did you need help with anything?
  • What do you think you’d like to learn about next time?

The adults might then balance this information from the child with what they see on session. It is very important that adults are interacting with children, noticing what activities the children are interested in and participating in their learning. The adults on session can then discuss how to extend play at the next session.