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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Procurements less than $10,000

There are no requirements for how you engage a supplier. We do recommend you get a written quote.

Procurements between $10,000 and $99,999

You should obtain multiple competitive quotes where possible.

Research the local market to understand how many qualified suppliers are available and may be interested in quoting for the work. Send a request for a quote to as many of them as possible.

Use the correct quote request template for your project.

Contract-Works-Request-for-Quote - Lite

Procurements more than $100,000

You must run an open tender via the Government Electronic Tender Service (GETS).

If you need access to GETS, contact us.

Email: [email protected]

For information about advertising on GETS, use the guides below.

GETS procurement officer guide
GETS manual Tender process guide

In exceptional circumstances, you may be able to request an exemption to use a different market approach.

Procurement exemptions


Use a single-stage or 2-stage open tender

A single-stage open tender (also known as RFT) provides all the information for suppliers to submit a detailed response. This tender approach evaluates capability and capacity before pricing is assessed. It allows each response to be evaluated thoroughly and fairly.

A 2-stage open tender involves requesting registrations of interest from suppliers so you can make a shortlist. You then invite only shortlisted suppliers to prepare a full offer. This is appropriate for large procurements and when 10 or more suppliers are likely to bid for the contract.

The benefits of using a 2-stage process are that:

  • schools have fewer full offers to evaluate
  • suppliers do not need to prepare a full offer unless they have been shortlisted and have a reasonable chance of getting the contract.

Tender documents

Consultancy/professional services

For a 2-stage process, first use:

Professional services registration of interest

For a single-stage process, or the second stage of a 2-stage process, use:

Professional services request for proposal

For a 2-stage process, first use:

Contract works registration of interest

For a single-stage process, or the second stage of a 2-stage process, use:

Contract works request for tender
Contract works schedule of prices

Terms and conditions

These are the standard terms and conditions for school-led procurement.

RFx process and conditions of tendering