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Ministry of Education New Zealand

As Crown entities, school boards are expected to follow government procurement rules. To simplify these rules, we have developed a procurement process for use on school-led property projects.

This process is mandatory for procurements of $10,000 or more.

School-led property procurement – Quick reference guide

Procurement roles

You need to understand the different roles in the procurement process before you begin.

Roles and responsibilities in the procurement process

Process steps

Complete conflict of interest declarations

Conflicts of interest must be properly managed.

Procurements less than $50,000

Anyone involved in the procurement who has an actual, potential or perceived conflict of interest must sign a declaration.

Procurements more than $50,000

All people involved in the procurement must sign a conflict of interest declaration.

Conflicts of interest

Keep records of the process

Retain all procurement documentation in the project file for 7 years.

More information

If you have any questions about property procurement, email us or contact your property advisor.

Email: [email protected]