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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Students should be at school all the time unless they are sick

Your child is legally required to be at school every day, unless they are sick. Whānau | family holidays or taking time off for extra activities are not acceptable reasons for being absent.

You must let the school know if your child is going to be absent.

You are also responsible for letting the school know if your child is moving schools. Tamariki | children over age 6 must be enrolled in a school. You need to make sure you enrol them in the new school right away.

Missing a week of school each term means missing a whole year of learning by the time your child is 16. Regularly attending school helps students to get the most out of their education.

Schools must record and report on attendance

Schools all have their own attendance policy and process. This could mean contacting you if your child is absent from school.

They will record absences and report them to us. This helps us to understand where more help may be needed.

Getting help if your child is not attending regularly

We know there can be important reasons why children aren’t coming to school, such as long-term illness, bullying, or financial challenges for families. If your child is affected by any of these, talk to your school first.

Your school will work with you to remove barriers to attending. There are many kinds of support available that might help make it easier for your child to come to school.

Your school might also connect you with other agencies or alternative education pathways.

Attendance service

We have contracted attendance service providers in all parts of the country. Attendance services work with schools and families to help get students back to school.

Schools may refer students to an attendance service provider if they think it may help. Attendance service staff might visit you at home to help get your child back to school.

  • Primary (years 0-8)
  • Secondary (years 9+)
  • Private
  • State
  • State Integrated
  • Te reo Māori pathways