Ngā whakahouanga nō nā noa neiRecent updates
- Period products in schools18/12/2023Available assistance
- Stand downs, or suspensions, exclusions and expulsions18/12/2023Your rights and responsibilities
- Support your child's wellbeing and mental health17/12/2023Health, safety and wellbeing
Ngā kaupapa hei tūhuraExplore topics
Health, safety and wellbeing
Find out more about the health, safety and wellbeing measures and support in your child's school.
Available assistance
Find out about some of the help, provisions and financial support available to your child at school.
Starting at school
Find out about what your child will need at school and how to enrol them.
What happens at school
Find out about what your child will learn at school and how you can be involved.
Learning support
Find out about the resources, tools and assistance available if your child needs support with their learning.
Your rights and responsibilities
Find out about the rules and regulations of education in New Zealand, including what you need to do as a parent.