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Ministry of Education New Zealand

How to enrol

Any child can enrol at an early learning service in New Zealand from birth until they turn 6. You can do this by contacting the service directly. They will talk you through what you need to do. If you haven't visited the service, you can arrange a visit, with or without your child, before you sign up.

Early learning services can set their own enrolment processes so make sure you understand any requirements they have, for example, enrolment fees or minimum weekly hours.

Not all early learning services will have spaces available so you might need to go on a waiting list.

When your child enrols with an early learning service they will be allocated a NSN number from us. This is connected to their birth registration number and becomes their number for their entire education journey.

Documents you need to provide

You will need to fill out an enrolment form, which your early learning service will give to you.

You might also need to provide:

  • proof of your child's identity and citizenship – a birth certificate, passport or residency document
  • your child's immunisation record
  • any medical information about your child such as allergies, medication and medical conditions.

Birth certificates

Order a New Zealand birth certificate online.

Settling in

All early learning services are experienced in settling new starters and understand that all children are different. Your service will work out a plan with you for how your child will be introduced to the new environment.

This will often involve you and your child making several visits before their official start date. The first visit will likely be short, with each subsequent visit being a bit longer. When the child is ready, you might be encouraged to leave them at the service for a time.

Staff will want to know all about your child. This will be both practical information like sleep routines, food preferences, allergies and whether they are toilet trained, but also more personal things like their interests and how they like being comforted.

What to bring on the first day

What you need to bring will depend on what your service provides for your child. They will tell you what you should bring along. This might include:

  • several changes of clothes plus a bag for dirty clothes to be sent home in (expect your child to get messy while playing)
  • nappies and wet wipes
  • a drink bottle
  • food
  • a sun hat and sunscreen
  • any medicines your child requires.