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Ministry of Education New Zealand

A good place to start is looking at what is available in your area.

Education Counts has contact details for centres and services in your area.

Early Learning Services – Education Counts

You can find home-based education providers by searching online or in your community.

Know the different types

Before you start, it is important to understand the different types of early learning services available. That way you can enrol your child at one that suits your tamariki | child best.

Opening hours

Different types of early learning services are open for different hours. Some are open all day while others are only open during school hours (usually 9am to 3pm) or half days.

Some early learning services are open during the school holidays. Other types, like Playcentres and some kindergartens, are closed during the school holidays.

You can find out what hours an early learning service offers by going to their website or contacting them. Some services also have information on social media.

Your child's age

Some centres accept babies from birth until they start primary school. Others only take older children. This information will be available on a centre's website or by contacting them.


The cost of early learning services depends on what type you choose and how many hours your child will attend.

For example, services where you stay with your child will cost less than services that are run by employed staff.

Types of cost include:

  • fees for the hours your child attends
  • optional charges for special activities, extra staff or supplies for your child such as food or nappies
  • donations, which you can choose to pay.

Check with your service about what you need to pay if some services are not provided at times, such as food. This could be during a holiday period.

For children who are 3, 4 and 5 years old, 20 hours per week is funded by the government. If your child is at an early learning centre for more than 20 hours, you may have to pay for the remaining hours.

You may be able to apply for assistance from Work and Income New Zealand for those hours.

Childcare – Work and Income

Before you enrol, you can ask questions to make sure you understand all costs and payments.

  • How much will I pay for the hours my child attends?
  • Do I have to pay for days or hours my child does not attend (for instance, if the child is sick, you are on holiday or the service is closed)?
  • How much notice do I have to give for holidays?
  • Do I have to pay extra for food or nappies or supply them myself?
  • How do I pay?
  • Is there a minimum time per day or per year that my child has to be enrolled for?

20 hours funding subsidy

Teachers and staff

Early learning services must always have a person who is responsible and a certain number of adults for the number of children attending. This is called the adult-to-child ratio.

Teacher-led centres need a certain number of qualified teachers for the number of children enrolled. Some centres choose to have more adults and more teachers per child. This may impact your choice of early learning centre.

Playcentre and playgroups are parent-led and can choose to employ qualified teachers but are not required to.

The qualification requirements for different types of centres are set out by us.

Qualification requirements

There are also guidelines for the requirements to have a person who is responsible at an early learning service.

Person responsible requirements

Visit a service

A great way to choose an early learning centre, kōhanga reo or home-based service is by visiting. You can do this with your child or without.

Contact the service to arrange a visit.

Waiting lists

Early learning services may have a waiting list because they are full. If the service you want your child to go to has waiting a list, ask how long it will take before your child can attend. This may impact your choice.

There may be a fee for joining the waiting list.

Education Review Office

The Education Review Office (ERO) regularly reports on the quality of licensed early learning services. You can read the reports to help you choose.

Review reports – Education Review Office