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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Drainage, edging and the 'look'

  • The area dug out for the sand should be up to 600 mm deep.
  • It is a good idea to create an edge, to clearly separate the sand from the surrounding soil. Tanalised posts can work well or line the sides with marine ply.
  • Consider how you want children to access the sand area, particularly children with disabilities or very small children. Also consider how natural you want it to look.
  • You can create edging up to 200 mm above the ground to contain the sand without obstructing most children's access. However, you may decide to design the sandpit without a raised edging so that children can crawl into it.
  • Tussocks and large rocks provide an attractive natural barrier between the sand area and other activities. If rocks are used, ensure that the area on their other side is not close to climbing equipment or activities where children are prone to fall – such as bike tracks.
  • Line the bottom of the pit with 300 mm of scoria if there is no stormwater drain. If a drain is available, scoria is needed to contain it.
  • Cover the scoria with a layer of filter cloth, mud matting or shade cloth. Water can drain through but the children cannot dig up the scoria.
  • Add approximately 500 mm of sand. Dune sand is a fine grain sand good for making sandcastles. East Coast sand is also a good option because it is not too light and won't fly about in the wind. It is a white grain of sand.

Covers, seating and shade

The Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008 (regulation 46, criterion HS12) requires that equipment, premises, and facilities are regularly checked for hazards to children. These hazards can include dangerous objects and foreign materials. Sand areas should be covered after the last session each day, or raked and inspected for animal droppings and dangerous objects before children arrive each morning. It is a good idea to talk with other ECE services about covers that they have found useful. If covered, covers should be easy to remove, allow the sand to 'breathe' and allow rain in to clean the sand.

Education (Early Childhood Services) Regulations 2008 – New Zealand Legislation

HS12 Hazard and risk management

Consider building a seat around part of the sand area. Any corners should be rounded off.

A suitable sunshade should be provided. It is a good idea to talk with other ECE services about the pros and cons of various sunshade solutions. Consider natural shade options like trees also.

Size and position

  • The sand area is a very important area of play and will be well used. Consideration of size and position should be well thought through. A warm position that is easily supervised is recommended.
  • In terms of sand pits, bigger is generally better.

Storage and other considerations

  • Consider having a tap close by so water can be added to sand.
  • Provide a storage area close to the sand for equipment. If possible, children should be able to select their own equipment. Good storage will help this process and save teachers’ time.
  • Consider having a decking platform for extended play such as the water trough, water spouting or dramatic play near the sandpit.