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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Incident reporting requirements

Contractors and service providers must report all incidents that happen on school work sites to us. This includes incidents involving:

  • first aid
  • medical treatment
  • hospitalisation or outpatient treatment
  • fatalities
  • near miss – any unplanned event or incident that did not result in an injury or loss of any kind but had the potential to harm anybody.

Incident reporting timeframes

All incidents which are required to be notified to WorkSafe New Zealand by law must also be notified to us within 24 hours of the incident occurring.

Notify WorkSafe – WorkSafe

You must notify us of all other health and safety incidents within 5 working days of the incident.

Sending an incident report to us

Email incident reports to us with the following details:

  • name of the school
  • date and time of the incident
  • name of the contractor involved in the incident
  • type of incident (for example injury/illness, near miss, property loss, motor vehicle)
  • injury (for example, the body part injured, type of injury, whether the treatment required first aid or hospitalisation)
  • description of what happened
  • underlying causes
  • what corrective actions or improvements have been taken.

Send the details to:

Email: [email protected]

Monthly health and safety reports

Your delivery manager will send you a report template at the end of each month. Complete the report and return it to your delivery manager within 5 working days.

Ministry of Education Monthly Health and Safety Report

Send the monthly report to:

Email: [email protected]

The monthly report does not replace the health and safety reporting that we already receive if an incident happens.