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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Moving from early learning to primary school

All mokopuna | children have the right to attend their local school or kura and be part of their local community. There are many benefits to inclusion, not just for mokopuna with learning support needs, but for all learners.

The best time for children to move to school is with their peers

Children learn best alongside their same-age peers, in everyday settings like home and school. We support mokopuna and their whānau | family to start school along with their classmates.

Planning ahead

Mokopuna with higher learning support needs will have a lead worker. They will know when to be in touch with your child's school or kura to start preparing.

Your lead worker will work with you to talk to class teachers to work out how they can best support your mokopuna at school.

They will help you in talking with the kaiako about your child's support needs and their strengths. We may help the school change their physical environment such as building ramps.

As well as working with you, we will also work with kaiako to identify any additional services or resources they may need, such as:

  • kaitakawaenga support
  • speech-language support
  • programmes designed to support children's learning in the classroom, such as the Incredible Years teacher programme
  • advice from specialist teachers in learning and behaviour.

Our specialists work in collaborative teams. Any specialists who work with your child's early learning service or Te Kōhanga Reo will be able to access a wide range of resources and expertise to support your mokopuna and their kaiako.

If you have not accessed learning support in the early years, contact your school directly. They will be able to talk to you about any concerns you have about your mokopuna starting school and what support they may need. The school will get in touch with us if they think they need support.

If your mokopuna has very complex and ongoing support needs, they may qualify for Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS) funding which stays with mokopuna throughout their school life. Your lead worker will help with this application. It can be completed from the time they are 4 years and 8 months old.

Ongoing Resourcing Scheme

Progressing through school and beyond

When tamariki are at school, their teacher becomes the lead for their learning support needs. They will work with our team to make sure your mokopuna continues to receive the support they need.

Your child's kaiako will usually be supported by a Special Needs Coordinator (SENCO) who oversees learning support across the school. Most schools have a SENCO. Some schools also have access to a Learning Support Coordinator (LSC) who works as part of a cluster of schools.

You can also contact us directly for more advice and support.

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