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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Food safety

Licensed early learning services which serve kai | food to children have to make sure it is safe.

This includes hygienic food preparation, and making sure food is able to be eaten safely. An example is grating hard foods like apples and carrots. If you provide your child's lunch and snacks, you may be asked to follow these food safety rules.

If your baby is bottle-fed, they should be held or properly supervised by staff.

Early learning services have food safety and nutrition criteria to follow.

Reducing food-related choking for babies and young children at early learning services – Ministry of Health

Healthify He Puna Waiora has information about making food safe for tamariki | children at early learning centres.

Food guidelines for kids at ECE centres – Healthify

The Ministry for Primary Industries Manatū Ahu Matua sets out food safety rules for early learning services.

Early childhood educators and kōhanga reo – Ministry for Primary Industries

Food allergies and intolerances

If your child has food allergies, intolerances, or follows religious food guidelines, you should make a plan with your early learning service when you enrol.

If you want to bring food to your child's centre to share – for example, for a birthday or other celebration – talk to staff first. Sharing food may not be allowed because of allergies.

Safe sleeping

All licensed early learning centres have to provide a safe dedicated sleeping area for children under the age of 2. For older children, a temporary sleeping area could be created each day as needed.

Centres have to use clean sheets and blankets that are not shared between children. They must also provide safe bedding. An example is no pillows for children under 2.

There are guidelines for creating safe sleeping areas and washing linen.

Sleep furniture spacing at early learning services

Toilets, washing and nappy changing

Toilets and handwashing areas have spaces to give children some privacy when they need it, while also making sure they are safe.

Early learning services will also have areas suitable for washing sick or soiled children.

There are rules around how toilet and washing areas are designed and used.

Toilet and handwashing facilities at early learning services

There are also guidelines to follow about changing nappies.

Nappy changing procedures at early learning services

Child protection

Early learning services must have a written child protection policy that meets the Children's Act 2014's requirements.

Children's Act 2014 – New Zealand Legislation

The policy covers the identification and reporting of child abuse and neglect. There must be information about how the service will keep children safe from abuse and neglect. It must also outline how the service will respond to suspected child abuse and neglect.

Child protection policies for early learning services

Health and safety standards

The health and safety standards of licensed early learning services are overseen by us. The Education Review Office (ERO) also looks at areas of health and safety.

These are set out as part of the service's licensing requirements.

Licensing criteria for centre-based early learning services 

Hazards and risk management

Early learning services are required to check their equipment, premises and facilities every day for hazards to children.

Any accidents or injuries have to be recorded to identify hazards and make sure appropriate action is taken.

Hazard and risk management at early learning services


All early learning services have their own emergency guide. You can ask staff to see it.

In an emergency, staff will let you know when you can pick up your child. They will also tell you if they have had to evacuate to a different place. This could be by phone, a sign on the door, text message or on their social media page.

It is important to keep your emergency contact details up to date with your early learning service. Staff need to be able to contact you in an emergency. They also need to know who has permission to pick up your child.

If someone else has to pick up your child, you have to let staff know in writing or, in an emergency, by text message.

Policies and complaints

If you want to see policies relating to health and safety at your child's early learning service, ask the service. Most policies should be available for you to see.

If you have a complaint or concern about health and safety at your child's early learning service, you should talk to them first.

If you do not think your complaint has been addressed, you can contact your regional office.

Regional offices