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Ministry of Education New Zealand

The TES sets priorities for the future of tertiary education and proposed actions to achieve these priorities.   

The Tertiary Education Commission must give effect to the TES and the New Zealand Qualifications Authority must have regard to it. Tertiary Education Organisations (TEOs) must show how they will contribute to achieving the priorities set out in the TES through their investment plans.  

Tertiary Education Commission

More about how the TES informs the Tertiary Education Commission’s decision making

Development of the TES 

The TES was informed by Kōrero Mātauranga | the Education Conversation, along with targeted engagement with ākonga/learners, providers and other key stakeholders across the country to hear their views and vision for the future of tertiary education in New Zealand.  

The TES consultation closed on the 25th of October 2019.  

Full NELP and TES statement
Summary of engagement report
Evidence Brief 
Summary document
Te reo Māori - Summary document