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Ministry of Education New Zealand

About the strategy

Ka Hikitia – Managing for Success 2008-2012 sets out specific outcomes, priorities for action and targets over the 5-year period 2008 to 2012 to realise Māori potential.

Primarily, it aims to influence the thinking, policy, practice and services of the Ministry of Education and the government agencies responsible for education by building on the latest research evidence and from the ideas, experiences, hopes and aspirations of Māori throughout the country.

Strategy approach

The strategy has been designed to concentrate on what the evidence shows will achieve a transformational shift in the performance of the education system for and with Māori. This is why the strategy takes a 'narrow and deep' approach in its focus areas, goals and actions, rather than encompassing everything and spreading the focus too thinly to achieve significant change.

Māori potential approach

It's also why the Māori potential approach and ako sit at the heart of the strategy's approach.

The cross-Government policy framework called the Māori Potential Approach was developed by Te Puni Kōkiri.

Te Puni Kōkiri

Ka Hikitia – Managing for Success: The Māori Education Strategy 2008-2012 draws on the policy framework, giving it expression in an education context.

The framework is a policy approach endorsed by the research evidence, independent academics, Māori and ministry staff.

The Māori Potential Approach emphasises partnership, working together and sharing power.

It's an approach that supports Māori self-development and self-determination and it represents a move away from deficit, failure, problems and risks.

The Māori Potential Approach is about identifying success and building on it and seeing opportunities and realising potential.

Māori potential approach in education

Less focus on:

  • Remedying deficit.
  • Problems of dysfunction.
  • Government intervention.
  • Targeting deficit.
  • Māori as a minority.
  • Instructing and informing.

More focus on:

  • Realising potential.
  • Identifying opportunity.
  • Investing in people and local solutions.
  • Tailoring education to the learner.
  • Indigeneity and distinctiveness.
  • Collaborating and co-constructing.

The Māori Potential Approach takes a broad view of success and a broad view of the pathways to achieving success. It seeks to enable Māori to live as Māori within te ao Māori, within New Zealand and within the wider world.

It's an approach that fits well with and reflects other important shifts occurring across the education system where education success is viewed more broadly.

In education, the approach means recognising the potential of every Māori student, acknowledging that being Māori is an advantage and understanding that all Māori learners are inherently capable.


Ka Hikitia – Managing for Success: The Māori Education Strategy 2008-2012 emphasises the importance of 'ako' (effective and reciprocal teaching and learning) for, and with, Māori learners and the conditions that support it.

Evidence shows that high-quality teaching is the most important influence the education system can have on high-quality outcomes for students with diverse learning needs. Evidence also shows that effective teaching and learning depends on the relationship between teachers and students and students’ active engagement.

The concept of ako describes a teaching and learning relationship where the educator is also learning from the student and where educators’ practices are informed by the latest research and are both deliberate and reflective. Ako is grounded in the principle of reciprocity and recognises that the learner and whānau cannot be separated.

The key aspects of ako are:

  • Language, identity and culture count – knowing where students come from and building on what students bring with them.
  • Productive partnerships – Māori students, whānau and educators sharing knowledge and expertise with each other to produce better outcomes.

Taking a 'personalised learning' approach that puts every student and their achievement at the heart of education and recognises that one size does not fit all.

Personalising learning is about partnerships focused on learning and about a whole education system where everyone sees themselves as having an important role to play and accepting the associated personal and professional responsibilities.

Focus areas

Ka Hikitia – Managing for Success: The Māori Education Strategy 2008-2012 has 4 focus areas that describe the points in the system where the evidence shows coordinated activity will have the most impact.

Ka Hikitia – Managing for Success: The Māori Education Strategy 2008-2012 has 4 focus areas that describe the points in the system where coordinated activity will have the most impact. Each focus area has a range of priorities, goals, actions, targets and outcomes.

The 4 strategy focus areas of Ka Hikitia – Managing for Success: The Māori Education Strategy 2008-2012 are:

  1. Foundation years
  2. Young people engaged in learning
  3. Māori language in education
  4. Organisational success

The first 3 focus areas are points within the education system where evidence shows Māori learners are particularly vulnerable. They are areas that with more concentrated focus and action have the greatest potential to rapidly improve Māori education outcomes overall.

The fourth focus area, organisational success, aims to shift the way the Ministry of Education and the other Government education agencies think about and invest in education to ‘step up’ the performance of the system for, and with, Māori. Organisational success recognises the commitment and focus necessary to achieve the shifts required in the 3 other focus areas.

Focusing on 4 areas doesn't mean changes aren't needed elsewhere in the system or that other aspects of the system aren’t important. These are simply the 4 areas of highest priority because of their potential to lift the system’s overall performance for, and with, Māori learners.

Each focus area includes a set of goals, actions, targets and outcomes.

The targets have been set to monitor progress towards achieving the goals. The targets are aspirational, yet achievable and will enable progress to be tracked over time.

Strategic intent

The overarching strategic intent of Ka Hikitia – Managing for Success 2008-2012 is ‘Māori enjoying and achieving education success as Māori’.

The strategic intent will be realised through 4 broad learner outcomes.

  1. Māori learners working with others to determine successful learning and education pathways.
  2. Māori learners excel and successfully realise their cultural distinctiveness and potential.
  3. Māori learners successfully participating in and contributing to te ao Māori.
  4. Māori learners gaining the universal skills and knowledge needed to successfully participate in and contribute to Aotearoa New Zealand and the world.

Ka Hikitia – Managing for Success 2008–2012 aims to transform the education system and ensure Māori enjoying educational success as Māori is the norm. It aims to ensure all students have the opportunity to realise their potential through education.

To do this, the Ministry is strongly linking with other Government agencies including:

  • Education Review Office
  • Tertiary Education Commission
  • New Zealand Qualifications Authority
  • Careers New Zealand
  • The Correspondence School
  • Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand
  • Te Puni Kōkiri.