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Ministry of Education New Zealand

About the strategy

Ka Hikitia is a cross-agency strategy for the education sector.

The agencies include the Ministry of Education, Te Aho o Te Kura Pounamu, Education New Zealand, Education Review Office (ERO), New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA), The Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand, Tertiary Education Commission, and New Zealand School Trustees Association (NZSTA). The education sector includes all early learning, schooling, and tertiary education provision.

It sets out how we will work with education services to achieve system shifts in education and support Māori learners and their whānau, hapū and iwi to achieve excellent and equitable outcomes and provides an organising framework for the actions we will take.

The refreshed Ka Hikitia strategy visual (A3)

Outcome domains

The framework has 5 outcome domains. These outcome domains reflect key messages that we have heard from whānau, hapū, Iwi, Māori over an extended period of time and our evidence base about what works for Māori learners and their whānau.

Te Whānau

Education provision responds to learners within the context of their whānau.

Te Tangata

Māori are free from racism, discrimination and stigma in education.

Te Kanorautanga

Māori are diverse and need to be understood in the context of their diverse aspirations and lived experiences.

Te Tuakiritanga

Identity, language and culture matter for Māori learners.

Te Rangatiratanga

Māori exercise their authority and agency in education.

Ka Hikitia and Tau Mai

Listen to Minister Kelvin Davis talk about Ka Hikitia and Tau Mai

Ka Hikitia and Tau Mai Te Reo are companion strategies and should be read in conjunction with each other. Ka Hikitia is a strategy for all Māori learners, while Tau Mai Te Reo is a strategy for all learners.

Tau Mai Te Reo

Resources to go with Ka Hikitia

Below are some resources that provide more information about the experience of Māori learners in the education system. They include resources that will be useful in implementing and embedding Ka Hikitia.

Ngā Haeata o Aotearoa

This report provides a snapshot of how the education system is performing for Māori learners and their whānau.

The report is organised around the 5 Ka Hikitia outcome domains and the measures that underpin each of the domains.

Ngā Haeata o Aotearoa 2020 – Education Counts

Te Tāmata Huaroa

'Te Tāmata Huaroa: Te Reo Māori in English-medium Schooling' by ERO gives a snapshot of the current provision of te reo Māori teaching and learning in a representative sample of English-medium primary and secondary schools.

Te Tāmata Huaroa – Education Review Office

Ka Hikitia Measurable Gains Framework

There are a number of resources to help measure the extent to which activities and initiatives are making a difference to Māori enjoying and achieving education success as Māori.

Other resources

To support the refresh of Tau Mai Te Reo we have reviewed a range of engagements that the Ministry has recently carried out, to capture what Māori have said to us.

We have put together a list of supporting resources. These will be updated as new resources become available.

Supporting resources for early learning
Supporting resources for schools
Supporting resources for tertiary

Ongoing engagement

Ka Hikitia is designed as a living document so we can progressively update it based on our ongoing conversations with whānau, hapū, iwi, Māori and education services.

If you have any feedback, email [email protected].


Read more about the whakapapa of Ka Hikitia, its past iterations, and more research that sits behind them:

Ka Hikitia – Whakapapa