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Ministry of Education New Zealand

About network management

We use network approval to manage the number and types of licensed early childhood services in a region or area.

This is set out in the Education (Early Childhood Services Network Approval) Regulations 2022.

Education (Early Childhood Services Network Approval) Regulations 2022 – New Zealand Legislation

Education Counts has information to help you understand the area you want to set up in, and the early learning services in the network.

The Early Learning Network Dashboard – Education Counts

Who needs network approval

You need to apply for network approval if you are:

  • establishing a new licensed early learning service
  • an existing licensed service wanting to permanently relocate or rebuild.

Being granted network approval does not guarantee a licence will be granted.

Who does not need network approval

Some Māori immersion services are excluded from network management requirements:

  • kōhanga reo chartered to Te Kōhanga Reo National Trust Board
  • standalone early childhood services that propose to teach in te reo Māori at, or close to, full immersion
  • early childhood services that propose to teach in te reo Māori for the majority of the time, and are affiliated to a peak body or associated with an iwi or Māori organisation recognised by us.

The criteria to be a recognised peak body or Māori or iwi organisation are set out on the information sheet and the notices below.

Education (Criteria Related to Exclusion of Te Reo Māori Immersion Services from Network Approval) Notice 2023 – New Zealand Gazette

Mōhiohio anōMore information

For more information about exclusion from network approval, contact your regional office.

Regional offices