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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Enrolment schemes are needed to help manage enrolments across schools. This allows Boards to manage the risk of overcrowding, provides a fair and transparent process for enrolment and ensures we are making the best use of schooling facilities across the area.

School enrolment schemes in New Zealand

How school enrolment schemes work in Aotearoa New Zealand.

Kaupapa whakauru

He mōhiohio mā ngā whānau me te hapori ā-kura

E mahi ana te Poari ki Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga hei whakatū i tā mātou Kaupapa Whakauru.

He rite tonu te aroturuki a Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga i te pikinga taupori, ngā āhua whakauru, me ngā panoni rārangi kura ā muri ake puta noa i Tai Tokerau. Hei wāhanga o tēnei mahi aroturuki, e whakapono ana te Manatū ināianei he mea waiwai tētahi kaupapa whakauru mō tō mātou kura Tikipunga Primary School.

Ko ngā ākonga katoa kua whakaurua kētia, e haere ana ki tō mātou kura kāore e pāngia e te panoni, ā, ka āhei te haere tonu ki te kura ahakoa kei hea e noho ana i tēnei wā.

Mā te kaupapa whakauru hou/panoni e:

  • whakarite kia whai ara matatika, mārama hoki mātou hei whakahaere i te rārangi ā-kura.
  • whai i tētahi takiwā kāinga matawhenua. Ko ngā tamariki e noho ana ki roto i te takiwā kāinga matawhenua ka āhei te whakauru ki te kura.

He nui ngā mōhiohio ka kitea mō ngā kaupapa whakauru ki te pae tukutuku a te Tāhuhu, tae atu ki ngā pātai auau mā ngā whānau me te hapori.

Mō ngā kaupapa whakauru – Te Mātauranga ki Aotearoa

Ina whakawhanake ana, panoni ana rānei i tētahi kaupapa whakauru, me mātua akoako te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga ki te Poari o te kura, me te mahi i ngā mahi tika kia mārama ki ngā whakaaro o te hapori pātata.

About the enrolment scheme

Enrolment schemes mean all families will have entitlement to attend a school that is reasonably convenient to them but won’t have the same automatic entitlement to enrol at Tikipunga Primary School. 

Note that students already enrolled at a school before a home zone is implemented are entitled to stay at their current school.

It’s important that we hear and understand community perspectives before we establish these new schemes – especially the practical implication and whether the new boundaries accurately reflect the area. Have a look at the maps and overview information available below before you participate in the consultation process.

docx thumbnailMap

This consultation process is about enrolment schemes, which determines the entitlement to enrol. It’s important to note that a student’s eligibility to enrol may be different to their eligibility for school transport assistance. More information about eligibility to school transport is available.

School transport assistance

The proposed enrolment scheme map, written description, and factsheet for Tikipunga Primary School can be found below. Read these before taking part in the consultation.

docx thumbnailFactsheet
docx thumbnailGrandparenting explained
docx thumbnailFrequently asked questions

The Ministry will consider all feedback and liaise with the Board before making a final decision.
