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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Wordsworth Interpreting provides free New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) interpreters. They are available in-person and online.

Whānau | families can book the service.

Interpreters for Deaf parents

Using an interpreter at school events

To support Deaf parents to participate in school events with an interpreter, you should plan and prepare ahead of time.

You may:

  • ask parents if they want to use an interpreter for a school event and, if so, whether they have a preferred interpreter
  • inform parents of school events at least 2 weeks in advance so they can book an interpreter
  • schedule parent-teacher interviews or learning conversations with Deaf parents before others, so an interpreter can be coordinated
  • book an interpreter for an event yourself, and inform parents so they know they will be able to participate.

Your school can book an interpreter through Wordsworth.

Book — Wordsworth Sign Language Interpreters

How to prepare the interpreter

For events like performances or assemblies, you can give the interpreter:

  • names, including how to spell them
  • job positions
  • speeches that will be given at the event
  • information about any surprise awards a child may be receiving.

Wordsworth has tips about booking and using an interpreter.

Top tips — Wordsworth Sign Language Interpreters

  • Primary (years 0-8)
  • Secondary (years 9+)
  • State
  • State Integrated
  • Te reo Māori pathways