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Ministry of Education New Zealand

What heat, light and water funding covers

Operational funding for heat, light and water is for:

  • electricity supply and line charges
  • energy costs for sewage schemes and water supply (self-supply schools)
  • gas – reticulated and portable – including delivery and canister hire
  • coal and wood, including delivery costs
  • water supply rates.

Heat, light and water costs covered by the base and per-pupil component of the operational funding are:

  • school staff costs – for example, time spent on energy-related work such as firing up the school boiler
  • costs for community and commercial activities outside operational funding – for example, continuing education classes, hostels, and using a swimming pool out of school hours
  • consumables for heat, light and water – for example, light bulbs, elements and toilet paper
  • repairs and maintenance of heating and lighting equipment
  • energy audits
  • local authority sewage disposal charges.

Apply for a review of your funding

Applications for funding allocation reviews must be made before June each year.

You can apply for a funding review if your costs have increased by more than 10% over your current allocation because:

  • your school has added a new building
  • your school is new, has relocated or has merged with another school
  • there has been a change in your school's type of energy generation or fuel use because of a change made by us.

A general increase in use, prices or rates is not considered enough reason for a review.

How to apply

You can only apply for a review of your costs from the previous year, until June.

To apply for a heat light and water funding allocation review, fill in the application form below.

Heat, light and water allocation review application

Email the application form to us along with:

  • copies of your school's heat, light and water invoices
  • a spreadsheet showing heat, light and water payments from your accounting or banking system.

Email: [email protected]

Funding for one-off costs

If your school isn't connected to a town water supply, we may reimburse you for:

  • servicing a water system, for example, the filtration plant (except by school staff)
  • consumables such as filters
  • water system repairs and maintenance
  • water testing.

If your school is not on a district sewage disposal scheme, we may reimburse you for:

  • servicing a septic tank (except by school staff)
  • consumables
  • septic tank repairs and maintenance
  • removing waste.

We do not fund local authority charges for sewage disposal.

How to apply


Applications for funding allocation reviews must be made before June each year.

Fill in the application form below.

Heat, light and water one-off costs application

Email it to us along with copies of your heat, light and water invoices.

Email: [email protected]