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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Changing a bus route

A school bus route may be moved or shortened if the location of students who are eligible to use the bus changes. It may also be stopped if not enough students are using the bus.

Transport service providers decide where the bus will stop along the way.

A school term's notice is normally given to your school before these changes are made.

If a student can no longer use the school bus because a route is changed, they may be able to get other transport assistance.

School transport assistance

Extending a bus route

Schools are responsible for providing us with up-to-date data about students who use our bus services to get to school.

We may extend a bus route if it will serve more eligible students. This is subject to certain criteria, so schools should first contact their local Regional Transport Advisor (RTA) to discuss a request to change bus routes.

School bus route design information

Our fact sheet explains how school bus routes are designed and extended. It also has information about timetables and bus stops.

Designing school bus routes

Contact your school’s bus operator for specific timetable and bus stop information.

This document explains how to find your RTA.

Finding contact information for your regional transport advisor

Search the database for your local RTA.

Regional transport advisors contact information – Arcgis

  • Primary (years 0-8)
  • Secondary (years 9+)
  • Private
  • State
  • State Integrated
  • Te reo Māori pathways