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Ministry of Education New Zealand

If you provide transport, this must be arranged between you and whānau | families who attend your service. We do not fund transport. The time a child is being transported is also not funded.

Your health and safety responsibilities for transport

Your service must have health and safety practices for transport in place.

You must make sure that:

  • each child is restrained as required by Land Transport legislation
  • required adult to child ratios are maintained, and
  • the written permission of a parent of the child is obtained before the travel begins (unless the child is travelling with their parent).

Land Transport Act 1998 – New Zealand Legislation

You should make sure the driver has a current full New Zealand driver’s licence and the vehicle meets New Zealand Transport Agency regulations.

Land transport rules – NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi

Safety checking adults for transport

It is best practice to safety check or Police vet adults who accompany children on transport. Because transport is not part of your regulated service, this is not required under the Children's Act 2014.

Share transport health and safety with families

You should share your health and safety practices with families when they enrol or before the children use your transport service.

You should also tell them:

  • who the adults accompanying the children are and their qualifications, such as teaching or first aid
  • whether the adults accompanying the children have been safety checked or Police vetted.

Attendance records for children who use your transport service

If a child is being dropped off and picked up by a transport provider or driver who is not their parent or legal guardian, you need to record this in your attendance records.

Parents will regularly need to confirm this record of attendance. This a requirement in the ECE Funding Handbook.

ECE Funding Handbook: Attendance records

The person signing the child in and out of your service must have written consent from the parent/guardian.

Regulation 58 of The Education (Early Childhood) Regulations 2008 requires your service to get this written consent.

Regulation 58 of The Education (Early Childhood) Regulations 2008 – New Zealand Legislation

Transport for excursions

Health and safety requirements when providing transport for excursions during your licensed hours is outlined in your licensing criteria.

Requesting payment for transport is covered in the ECE Funding Handbook.

Fees, donations and optional charges – ECE Funding Handbook