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Ministry of Education New Zealand

Need-to-know | Me mātua mōhio

Change to pay parity opt-in scheme requirements (relief staff)

The Associate Minister of Education, Hon David Seymour, has confirmed a change to the pay parity opt-in scheme conditions. From 1 October, only permanently employed teachers in a service, both full and part-time, have to be paid at pay parity rates.

This change does not override pay arrangements in existing employment agreements. You can find these updated requirements for pay parity in Chapter 3-B-2 of the ECE Funding Handbook:

ECE Funding Handbook – Ministry of Education

If you have any questions, contact: [email protected]

Change to discretionary hour record keeping

From 1 October, it won’t be necessary to keep evidence of attempts to contact a certificated teacher when using discretionary hours.  

But it is still necessary to keep a record of the number of discretionary hours you’ve used after this change takes place. You can find more information about discretionary hour requirements in our ECE Funding Handbook:

ECE Funding Handbook – Ministry of Education

If you have any questions, contact: [email protected]

Measles update – looking ahead

Measles is dangerous and contagious in communities with low vaccination rates. Our vaccination rates are generally very low and this makes us vulnerable to an outbreak of measles. We encourage everyone to check if they are immune to measles, especially those planning to travel overseas for the school holidays. The key message: if you aren’t sure, get vaccinated. 

Measles immunity – Te Whatu Ora

Consultation on proposal to remove the statement of NELP from legislation

The Government is proposing to remove the statement of National Education and Learning Priorities (NELP) from the Education and Training Act and related regulations for early learning, primary and secondary education. This would mean that the Minister would not be able to issue a future NELP.  

The current NELP document will remain in place until it expires in November 2025. This means that after November 2025 you will no longer have to have regard for the NELP in your self-review and internal evaluation GMA6 and annual plan GMA8 for centre-based and GMA5 (self-review and internal evaluation) and GMA7 (annual plan) for home-based.

GMA5 Self-review and internal evaluation – Ministry of Education
GMA6 Self-review and internal evaluation – Ministry of Education
GMA7 Annual plan – Ministry of Education
GMA8 Annual plan – Ministry of Education
Consultation on these proposals is open until 14 October. Read more about the proposals and how to make a submission here:

Changes to school board objectives and NELP provisions – Ministry of Education

Heads-up | He kupu puaki

Renewing employer accreditation for overseas teacher recruitment

You may need to renew your employer accreditation for overseas teacher recruitment.

Services employing teachers who are applying for residence must be accredited employers under the Accredited Employer Work Visa (AEWV) at the time of a teacher’s application and while they are employed by the centre. Initial accreditation lasts for 12 months before you need to renew it and for 24 months once it has been renewed.

Read about when and how to renew your accreditation here:

Renew your employer accreditation – Immigration NZ

There is also new guidance about advertising a job and preparing for a job check:

Advertise a job and engage with Work and Income – Immigration NZ

Before you apply for a job check – Immigration NZ

Standard accreditation costs NZD $740 (for up to five migrants at any one time). To offset this and other recruitment costs, you can apply for the overseas finder’s fee (NZD $3,450). Licensed early learning centres can only receive one finder's fee per centre, per year.

Overseas teacher recruitment – Ministry of Education

Assistance is available. Email [email protected]


Te Poipoi Kaiako | Mentor support programme

The programme provides guidance for mentors and mentees on their journey towards full certification and ongoing professional learning and development.

We’re offering a webinar and 13 funded in-person workshops from 16 October. Where appropriate, they will be facilitated in te reo Māori and English. To register and find out more visit:

Te Poipoi Kaiako | Mentor support programme – Tātai Aho Rau